Friday, December 7, 2012

Olive Oil Websites Everywhere!

Can you trust just any olive oil website?

When we have a question or are simply trying to gather information on something in particular, 99% of the time we will jump right onto Google rather than going directly to accredited site that might be able to give us the information we need from the get go. 

Currently, there are thousands of olive oil websites out there and due to olive oil's increasing popularity in the last decade, the number is rapidly increasing.  Some of these olive oil websites are larger, well-known olive oil giants that you can find pretty much at any grocery store country-wide (i.e. Bertolli, Colavita, etc) but most are smaller artisan producers from every corner of the globe...all very different olive oils...some sites which allow you to buy directly from them online.  Without being able to request a sample and actually tasting the olive oil from one of these small family estate olive oil websites, it is very difficult to tell what the olive oil is really going to taste like...unless of course you've had it before! 

The point I am trying to make on this post is that you must always remain skeptical of what you read and what facts, pictures, stories are being presented to you and if these olive oil websites are real and not just a false face of what they want you to think they are.  Contact the producers with any questions and find out if they offer samples of their oil before buying.  There's never any harm in asking!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Olive Oil FAQs

Most Commonly Asked Questions About Olive Oil

Are olives fruits or vegetables?
Olives are fruit, grown on the olive tree, olea europaea. Olive trees have been cultivated for thousands of years, and were already plentiful during biblical times. Plucked from the tree, the olive is extremely bitter, and virtually inedible. Prior to eating, olives are typically cured, either in brine,water or in oil. Freshly picked olives can also be stir-fried to remove some of the bitterness before eating.

Where are olives grown?
Major olive producers in the world include countries which border the Mediterranean Sea (e.g., France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey), as well as California and in South America. It is reported that Thomas Jefferson tried but failed to cultivate olive trees in his native Virginia.

How is olive oil produced?
The traditional method of extracting olive oil from the fruit is virtually the same today as it has been for thousands of years. At harvest time, which varies from region to region, olives are harvested by hand, and collected in nets placed around the foot of the tree. A day or two thereafter, the olives are taken to the mill. Giant stones weighing several tons are used to crush the olives and pits into mash.
The olive mash is then spread onto thin mats. These mats are stacked, and placed into a machine "press." As the press applies several hundred pounds of pressure, oil and water from the mash seep out of the mats, and drip into collection vats. In the traditional method, no heat is applied in the pressing--hence the term "first cold pressed." The oil is allowed to settle, and any vegetable water is removed either by centrifuge or decantation.
Oil extracted from the mechanical pressing of the olive is described as "virgin" olive oil, because it is pure, unrefined and unprocessed.

What are the differences among extra virgin olive oil, ordinary olive oil, and "light" olive oils?
Extra Virgin Olive Oil. "Extra" is the highest grade for olive oil--the best you can buy. The virgin oil produced from the mechanical pressing described above may be called "extra" if it has less than 1% free oleic acid, and if it exhibits superior taste, color and aroma. Thus, the "extra" in extra virgin olive oil means "premium," or simply, "the best."
Olive Oil. Ordinary "olive oil" is actually a blended oil product. Olive oil producers start with low quality virgin olive oils. For these oils to be fit for consumption, they must be refined using mechanical, thermal and/or chemical processes. The resulting "refined olive oil" is largely colorless and tasteless. Before the resulting product is sold as "olive oil," the producer blends into the refined olive oil a percentage of quality virgin olive oil to provide color and taste.
"Light" or "Mild" Olive Oil. Light olive oil is a variation on ordinary olive oil. Producers of this product use a highly refined olive oil, and add less quality virgin oil than that typically used to blend olive oil. The only thing "light" about light olive oil is the taste and color; it has the same caloric and fat content as other oils.
Olive-Pomace Oil. Olive-pomace oil is the residue oil that is extracted by chemical solvents from previously pressed olive mash. This oil must be highly-refined to remove chemical impurities. Like ordinary olive oil, refined olive-pomace oil is enriched with virgin olive oil prior to sale.
Olive Oil Blends. Olive oil blends (e.g., canola oil enriched with some virgin olive oil) are sometimes used as a more economical substitute for olive oil (but not as a substitute for extra virgin olive oil). Because the production of good olive oil is labor intensive--the olives must essentially be picked by hand--the resulting product is more expensive than other vegetable oils. To offer a more economical product with some of the goodness of olive oil, some companies make olive oil blends. In an olive oil blend, the producer uses a base of a less expensive vegetable oil (e.g. canola oil) to which it adds a percentage (e.g. 25%) of virgin olive oil. These products have proven particularly attractive to restaurant and institutional purchasers where the small savings per tablespoon results in big savings due to the large volume they purchase.

What is the difference between filtered and unfiltered extra virgin olive oil?
Extra virgin oil may be consumed either in a filtered or unfiltered state. Filtration is the process by which the microscopic bits of the fruit of the olive are removed from the oil. Unfiltered oil will be cloudy until it settles to the bottom. Some consider unfiltered oil superior because of the added flavor from the fruit, while others say it shortens the oil's shelf life. Ultimately, it is a matter of personal preference.

Are all extra virgin olive oils the same?
No. Like wines, extra virgin olive oils can vary dramatically in taste, depending upon the type and quality of the fruit that is pressed, the time of harvest, the weather during the growing season, and the region from which the olives were produced.
Connoisseurs generally use the following adjectives in appraising extra virgin olive oils: mild, semi-fruity and fruity, depending on the flavor of the olive that can be detected. Further, some oils, such as the finer oils from Tuscany and Southern Italy, have a peppery finish that many appreciate.

What are the nutritional components?
A tablespoon of olive oil contains 120 calories, 14 grams of fat, and no cholesterol. Seventy seven percent (77%) of the fat in olive oil is monounsaturated, and nine percent (9%) is polyunsaturated fat; fourteen percent (14%) is vegetable-derived saturated fat. Virgin olive oils also contain the antioxidants beta-carotene and Vitamin E, as well as the phenolic compounds tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol.

 What makes olive oil a superior product to other oils?
Three things make olive oil superior to vegetable oils: taste, nutrition and integrity.
Taste is the most obvious difference between olive oil and the commercially popular vegetable oils such as corn, soybean and canola oils. These oils are tasteless fats. You would not want to eat a piece of bread dipped in vegetable oil; for the same basic reason, many chefs refrain from adding tasteless fat to the foods they prepare. When you cook with oil, get the most flavor and texture you can.
Olive oil, especially extra virgin olive oil, adds a flavor and textural dimension lacking in other oils, making it a suitable substitute for butter and margarine in almost any recipe. In fact, more and more restaurants are serving extra virgin olive oil, both plain or flavored with salt and pepper, as an alternative to butter for bread.
Nutritionally, olive oil contains more monounsaturated fat than any of the popular vegetable oils. For more information on the nutritional qualities of olive oil versus other oils and fats, please refer to the last chapter in this booklet.
Moreover, vegetable oils are industrial, processed foods. Vegetable oils are generally extracted by means of petroleum-based chemical solvents, and then must be highly refined to remove impurities. Along with the impurities, refining removes taste, color and nutrients.
Extra virgin olive oils are not processed or refined. It is said that you do not make extra virgin olive oil, you find it. Extra virgin olive oil is essentially "fresh squeezed" from the fruit of the olive tree, without alteration of the color, taste, and nutrients or vitamins. Because of the integrity of the product, and its antioxidant components, olive oil will keep longer than all other vegetable oils.

How does olive oil compare with butter or margarine?
Butter and margarine are essentially fats like cooking oils. A tablespoon of ordinary butter contains twelve grams of fat, of which 8 grams (66%) are saturated fat. In addition, a serving of butter contains 33 mgs of cholesterol.
Saturated fat and cholesterol have been linked to increased levels of low density lipoproteins (LDLs)--the "bad cholesterol." Thus, compared to butter, a serving of olive oil contains much less saturated fat (only 2 grams) and no cholesterol. The comparison with margarine is more difficult because the fat breakdown in margarines varies by manufacturer and ingredient. Margarine typically contains approximately 10 grams of fat per tablespoon. However, to solidify the vegetable oils used to make margarine, the oils have to be hydrogenized. In the hydrogenization process, trans fatty acids are created. Trans fatty acids have a double whammy effect of increasing LDLs and lowering the high density lipoproteins (HDLs)--the "good cholesterol." 

Can olive oil be used to replace butter and margarine in recipes?
Yes!!! Butter and margarine have an unbelievable taste, and there are certain uses of butter and margarine for which there is no satisfactory replacement in the American Diet -buttered toast at breakfast comes to mind.? Extra Virgin Olive Oil has been described as "buttery" by many consumers in taste tests. Extra Virgin Olive Oil can be used in place of butter or margarine in many recipes, such as on vegetables, rice, potatoes, and--yes-even corn on the cob!

How do you store olive oil?
Olive oil should be stored in a cool, dark place away from sunlight. Properly stored, olive oil can keep for at least two to three years. It is, however, at its peak within a year of production, and is its most flavorful for the first six months. Olive oil may be stored in the refrigerator, but not preferred. If chilled, olive oil will become cloudy and eventually solidify or crystallize. Should this happen, the oil is perfectly fine; just leave the oil at room temperature for a time to restore it to its natural state.

Can olive oil be used in baking recipes that call for butter, margarine, vegetable oil or shortening?
Yes!!! Try olive oil in your muffin, cake and cornbread recipes (but not in recipes in which butter is the principal flavor like butter cookies or pound cake).

Can olive oil be used to "grease" a pan in place of butter or vegetable oil?
Yes, and a healthy greaser at that!!!

Picking Olive Oil That is Right For You

Extra virgin, virgin, light, pomace, filtered, cold pressed, stone milled, organic….the list goes on and on.  If you are confused about which olive oil to buy, you are not alone.  Luckily there are a few keys to choosing the right olive oil: first is knowing the types of olive oil available, the second is considering what you will use it for. Learning the different grades of olive oil and their characteristics will help you make sense of what you read on labels.
Next decide is which type of oil will best suit your intended purpose.  Are you buying oil to drizzle on a piece of country bread, to use on your skin, to make soap, or to burn in an oil lamp?  Different uses may require different oils.  The question is: Which oil for what? Here is an attempt to point you in the right direction.

After you read the descriptions of the various grades of olive oil, you will still probably be wondering what this means to you as a consumer.
Although there are many grades and definitions, we would like to emphasize only a few points that we think are most relevant to you as a consumer. The most important factor is to understand how the oil was obtained from the olive. Virgin olive oil is obtained from the olive only, using solely mechanical or other physical means, in conditions, particularly thermal conditions, which do not alter the oil in any way. It is pure fruit juice, so to speak. It also meets a set of chemical standards.
Refined olive oil is obtained by treating low quality or defective virgin olive oil with the use of charcoal and other chemical and physical filters.  An obsolete equivalent is "pure olive oil".  Note that no solvents are used in the refining process.
Though it may be confusing, you should be aware that the term olive oil, when used alone, refers to a blend of refined olive oil and virgin olive oil.
Pomace is the ground flesh and pits left after the extraction process.  According to the IOOC, all olive-pomace oils are obtained by treating it with solvents or other physical treatments.  Within the olive-pomace oils category, oil specifically labeled as olive-pomace oil is a blend of virgin olive oil and refined pomace oil.  

Extra virgin is the highest grade of olive oil.  As with all virgin olive oils, it is made mechanically, without the use of chemicals or excessive heat and meets some chemical and organoleptic standards.  The chemical characteristics of extra virgin olive oil (as with all vegetable oils) give an indication of the care with which it was made and stored: how the fruit was grown, transported and harvested, how it was milled into oil, and how the oil was packaged and bottled. Chemical testing can also help determine if the oil is adulterated. The chemical standards for extra virgin olive oil are the highest of all the grades and, as such, offer a minimum guarantee of quality.
 In addition to chemical characteristics, extra virgin olive oil also has certain organoleptic characteristics: it does not have taste defects yet is not totally flavorless. This does not guarantee it will taste good to you, however.
Having said all that, it is important to recognize that there are huge differences among extra virgin olive oils in terms of their quality, taste, aroma, color, health benefits, shelf life, presentation, and or course their price.  Extra virgin olive oils can be anything from very delicate and mellow to quite bitter and pungent. Their anti-oxidant content varies considerably.
It is sometimes hard to tell just from the label what you are looking at on the shelf, even if the oil is labeled extra virgin. You cannot even be certain that the oil is truly extra virgin as, at this point in time, there is no federal standard to guarantee that oil labeled as extra virgin is indeed extra virgin. The USDA is working on new standards.  New laws now exist in some states.  The California Olive Oil Council certifies oils as extra virgin.  For domestic olive oils, look for the COOC seal and try to buy oil from the most recent harvest.   In addition, there are many claims made on labels such as first pressed, cold pressed, stone milled, hand crafted… The list is as long as the imagination of the marketing people.
Finally, as we are often asked for a sound bite description of what extra virgin means, we would say that Extra Virgin = High Quality Olive Juice + Good Taste.

A high quality extra virgin olive oil is perfect as a condiment, drizzled over fish, meat, steamed vegetables or baked potatoes, in salad dressings, as a bread dipper, as the base for mayonnaise and uncooked sauces, or rubbed on a piece of bread, to name only a few examples. Check out some of our recipes for more ideas. As the oil is left unheated, you reap the full benefits of its flavor and aroma, as well as of its health qualities. You won’t use very much so it is well worth the higher price of a gourmet extra virgin olive oil.
Think of extra virgin olive oil as you would of wine.  Pair it with foods, find the right match.  Use a mild to medium strength oil for salad dressings or as a condiment over mild food, such as mozzarella.  Switch to a robust olive oil to drizzle over fresh tomatoes or a hearty dish.  Use your imagination to create various mixes of flavors you like.  More and more stores offer olive oil tasting and sampling.  Take advantage of it to decide which oils you like the most. In the end, that is what matters.
Storage Tip: as light and heat are detrimental to the oil, keep your oil in a dark, cool place, away from the stove.  Dark glass protects the oil from light, including halogen and fluorescent lights, much better than clear glass.  Beware of clear bottles of olive oil on the top shelf at the store.

Among olive oils, extra virgin oil has the highest smoke point (that is, it tolerates high heat), but this point varies even among extra virgin olive oils depending on their acidity.
The second consideration is that heating the oil for frying will destroy much of its flavor and aroma, so there is no point in buying an expensive oil. I strongly suggest using extra virgin (no point in buying the best though) or virgin olive oil for browning or sautéing, and a cheap, flavorless oil with a high smoke point for frying - something like canola, soy or peanut oil.

If you are especially interested in the health benefit aspects of olive oil, the best choice is extra virgin olive oil, preferably a very high quality one, as it is likely that its production method left most anti-oxidants and other healthy components intact. The more recently the oil was made, the better, so make sure to pick one with a harvesting or “Best By” date.
One of the greatest benefits of extra virgin olive oil is its antioxidant content.  Keep in mind, however, that antioxidants in olive oil are bitter.  The higher the antioxidant content, the more bitter the oil will be.  This may be in direct contradiction with either your personal taste or an optimum food pairing: if you drizzle a very bitter extra virgin olive oil on mozzarella, for instance, or use it to make mayonnaise, the olive oil bitterness may completely overpower the cheese or the food you are eating with the mayonnaise.  On the other hand, a garlic and olive oil pasta dish can work very well with a bitter oil.

Olive oil has been used for thousand of years (especially by the ancient Greeks) as a beauty product for both skin and hair.  If you use it as a moisturizer, we recommend a high quality extra virgin olive oil, as you will use very little.  Pure and light olive may have been chemically processed.  Some people pour some olive oil in their bath water: a good choice for this is a virgin or refined olive oil.

Most people use pomace or refined oil to make olive oil soap because of their lower price and better saponification properties. If you use a virgin olive oil, make certain that the oil is relatively fresh, otherwise, your soap may develop DOS, aka the Dreaded Orange Spots. The orange spots show up on the soap bars a few weeks after they are produced if the oil is too old, even if it looks normal and does not smell or appear rancid.

People have used olive oil with cotton or linen wicks to cleanse the air around them and to keep flames burning for light for thousand of years. Use pomace oil or any kind of cheap olive oil.

It is important to understand that many things can be done in the process of making olive oil to decrease production costs and increase yield.  Most of these result in lowering the quality of the product.  You will see a wide difference in the price per ounce of extra virgin olive oils on the shelf. While there seems to be no upper limit to what some producers charge for their oil, it is definitely the case that extra virgin olive oil is not cheap to produce.  A very rough rule of thumb is that, if the oil is less than $14.00 for a 500ml bottle (like a bottle of wine), the chances are high that the oil is not extra virgin!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Olive Oil and Frying

Many of us have wondered what happens when olive oil is used for frying.  In general, when cooking with an oil (any oil, not just olive oil), you should avoid heating it higher than the oil’s smoke point.  In terms of olive oil, the ‘smoking point’ is the temperature at which the olive oil begins to chemically break down to glycerol and free fatty acids, yielding an unpleasant smell and taste and generally losing most of its health benefits. 
Olive oil’s smoke point varies from oil to oil.  Average smoke point temperatures of excellent olive oils are at approximately 400 degrees Fahrenheit as poorer olive oils break down at around 350 degrees Fahrenheit.  Higher quality extra virgin olive oils are known to have higher smoking points.  Widely mass produced olive oils generally have lower smoking points and are therefore more ideal to cook (particularly fry) with rather than simply consume in a salad or as a dipping oil. 
As an olive oil’s chemical composition begins to break down when it is heated to smoke point temperatures, natural antioxidants found in the oil decrease, drastically lessening its health benefits.  Smoke point marks the start of flavor and nutritional benefits degradation.  Although studies have shown that frying with extra virgin olive oil is not harmful to your health, it is not suggested to do so.  Try using a cheaper olive oil alternative for your frying needs and reserve your best extra virgins for dips, dressings, drizzles and marinades.
Myth:  Frying extra virgin olive oil causes cancer.
Heating extra virgin olive oil past its smoke point will NOT cause cancer, however is not recommended since it is a premium quality olive oil that should be enjoyed as is.  Although overheating extra virgin olive oil won’t cause cancer when consumed, repeatedly burning the same oil to its smoke point can begin to form cancer causing substances.   This is not a concern to the olive oil experts because seldom would someone heat and reuse an oil that has been burnt, having a fowl taste!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Celebrities' Best Kept Beauty Secret: Olive Oil

It may come as no surprise to some that olive oil isn't just recommended in the kitchen for cooking or as a food enhancer.  Believe it or not, many of the world's most glamorous use this fresh pressed juice in their homes as a beauty treatment or even as a quick home remedy.  Read below to find out what your favorite celebrities are doing with their olive oil.

American singer and actress Selena Gomez, best known for her role in Disney Channel's Wizards of Waverly Place, claims that she drinks pure olive oil right before she takes the stage.  Selena says that she first heard the idea from American Idol star Kelly Clarkson who uses this tactic to soothe and loosen up her vocals in order to have a better performance for her fans.
"Pretty Woman" star Julia Roberts's secret to soft hands and nails is apparently as easy as mixing a tablespoon of olive oil with some warm water.  Julia tries to soak her hands in this simple and low cost oil and water solution on a weekly basis.

American actress Gwyneth Paltrow says she uses olive oil as a hair treatment for natural conditioning and extra shine rather than spending a fortune on salon treatments and products.  Gwyneth recommends using a half cup of olive oil and slowly working it through the hair, concentrating on the drier areas first while avoiding the roots.

Italian actress and Oscar winning film star legend Sophia Loren, voted as world's most naturally beautiful person in 2006 (who successfully managed to beat desirable male contenders George Clooney and Johnny Depp) attributes her long withstanding beauty to "a love of life, spaghetti, and the odd bath in virgin olive oil."   Unfortately bathing in a tub full of virgin olive oil may be quite impractical to many of us.  As an alternative, adding a few drops of olive oil to your bath water can help soften skin.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Top Chefs on Olive Oil

For many, olive oil is a culinary staple and by far one of the most important ingredients to any great chef's kitchen.  Read below to find out what some of the world's most famous and well known chefs have said about this delicious and heart healthy nectar.

Well known Italian-American born chef and restauranteur Mario Batali believes that olive oil is as precious as gold. Mario Batali has recently partnered up with Joe Bastianich to open the Italian restaurant and mega market known as Eataly in Manhattan's Flatiron district.  Having its very own olive oil and vinegar tasting bar, Eataly is a great place to visit as it currently has a large selection of over 100 varietal and artisanal olive oils imported from Italy available for olive oil tasters to enjoy.

American restauranteur, author and Food Network's Diners, Drive-ins and Dives television host Guy Fieri claims that his top three kitchen ingredients are fresh cracked pepper, garlic and apparently he can't decide between soy sauce or olive oil as his third!

"Olive oil for me is precious but also an easy ingredient in the kitchen.”  Yiannis Tsivourakis

"Extra virgin olive oil is my favorite eating and cooking oil and the most important ingredient in my kitchen pantry. All fats have loads of calories, and if I'm going to consume them anyway, they had better have the depth of flavor that a great extra virgin olive oil brings to the table."  Cathy Whims

Paco Roncero claims that olive oil is, without a doubt, the most important ingredient in his kitchen.  "It has a host of utilities, where not only the flavors and aromas are the key, but the textures are the protagonists."
"Oils that are high in monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats and low in artery-clogging saturated fats are the healthiest.  Olive oil has one of the highest concentrations of monounsaturated fats, which may help reduce LDL, or "bad," cholesterol."  Martha Stewart

Thursday, March 22, 2012

How To Choose Quality Extra Virgin Olive Oils (EVOO)

Fact: You simply cannot measure the quality of an extra virgin olive oil by its color.  Sure, a rich and bright green/golden colored olive oil might look fresh and delicious but unfortunately it may not be a superior quality olive oil.  Both green and golden yellow oils can be of extra virgin grade.  Here are some valuable tips for those of you know would like to find a good extra virgin olive oil.

Look for harvest or batch date on the back of the label.
Olive oils typically have a shelf life of approximately 2 to 3 years (depending on polyphenol content/storage temperature/exposure to air and light, described further down).   Olive oils that have exceeded their shelf life end up becoming rancid.  You can recognize a rancid olive oil by its aroma or taste.  Rancid olive oils will smell like crayons (stale smell) and will most likely taste like old nuts or clay putty and leave a greasy feel in the mouth.

Scan to see if the oil is recognized as a PDO or PGI
Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographic Indication (PGI) signifies that the olive oil has exceptional properties, characteristics and quality derived from its place of origin as well as from the way of its production.  An oil recognized as a PDO or PGI is almost always authentic and so you can be sure that you are buying the real deal.

Does the oil taste bitter?
Unlike many other food products, an extra virgin olive oil with a peppery, bitter bite at the finish is a highly positive characteristic and signifies that the olive oil is fresh and loaded with antioxidants (particularly polyphenols).  Tasting panel experts use this characteristic of bitterness as one of their criteria when judging olive oil quality.

Does the oil taste fruity?
Like bitterness, olive oil experts also place a great deal of importance on fruitness of an olive oil.  A fruity olive oil is generally preferred by many as it is defined as a fresh olive fruit taste.  Good olive oils can have certain fruity notes such as green apple, apricot, fresh cut grass, bananas, etc.

Is the oil Artisanal?
Chances are that if your extra virgin olive oil is artisanal, then it is a higher quality extra virgin olive oil that hasn’t been blended with other cheap and inferior olive oils.  Also, the producer is typically choosing which olives to press or centrifuge.

Is the oil low in Free Fatty Acids?
Abbreviated as FFA, this acidity ratio is a very important measure for olive oils.  The higher the free fatty acids (FFA) in an olive oil, the greater the chance the oil was extracted carelessly meaning it wasn’t pressed right away or was extracted from damaged, bruised or lower quality olive fruit.  Always try to look for FFA % on the label and choose olive oils with low FFA content.  The International Olive Council (IOC) in Madrid along with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) have determined that an “extra virgin” olive oil MUST have a free fatty acid content of 0.8% or less. 

*As a side note, Greek olive oils generally have very low free fatty acid %.  For this fact, it is no wonder Greece produces the largest quantities of "extra virgin" quality olive oils year after year.

Is the olive oil high in Polyphenol Content?
These are natural antioxidants found in olive oil which give an olive oil its peppery bite.  The more peppery the bite means that an oil is loaded with these antioxidants.  Not only do polyphenols benefit your health (lowering cholesterol, blood pressure and help to sooth burns) they also increase the oil’s shelf life!  Also to note, the more polyphenol content in an olive oil, the lower its smoke point.  In other words, olive oils high in polyphenols should not be used for frying at very high temperatures.

Hopefully this articles helps you choose a good quality extra virgin olive oil.  For those of you who may be interested in an olive oil recommendation from an expert, my olive oil of choice happens to be Eulogia from Sparta, Greece.  It is a blend of 80% Koroneiki and 20% Alenolia olives, just the perfect balance of bitter, fruity, fresh and a spicy kick at the finish.  Love it!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

It's That Exciting Time of the Year For Olive Oils!

It's Show Time in Los Angeles!!!

Northern Hemisphere extra virgin olive oils have been harvested and are ready for the annual competition next week held in Los Angeles, California! Judging for the 2012 Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition will be held from March 27-29 and the winners will be posted on the site shortly thereafter. 

Note that Southern Hemisphere extra virgin olive oils will be judged in July, following their later harvest season!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Olive Oil Grades Revealed

Extra Virgin” olive oil is the most desirable olive oil in the world and accounts for less than 10% of oil produced in most countries.  Free acidity of the oil, which is expressed in oleic acid, must be less than 0.8 grams per 100 grams (0.8%) and have no taste and aroma defects.  

Virgin” olive oil is defined as having a free acidity content of less than 2.0%.  This quality oil is one notch lower than that of extra virgin.

The following olive oil grades fall well beneath the “virgin olive oil” category.

Pomace Oil

Pomace oil is the most inferior olive oil on the market.   This type of oil is made from the remaining pulp, flesh and pits of olives, after they have been pressed.  To help extract more oil from what is left over after the first press, the contents must be mixed with industrial solvents.  This technique is used in the production of oils such as sunflower seed, canola and corn.

Pure Olive Oil

Words can be very deceiving, especially in the marketing of food! 

Pure olive oil (a term becoming more obsolete these days) is a chemically altered olive oil that was initially obtained from inferior quality oil that is almost always too acidic after the extraction phase.  Lower quality (and sometimes defective) olive oils are generally not discarded but rather refined for purposes of human consumption. 

In olive oil, the term “refined” means that the oil must undergo a chemical change using heat, which alters the olive oil’s overall state.  Unfortunately, after the refining process, olive oils are stripped of most of their antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and health benefits.  Refined oils generally lack taste, odor and color.

Olive Oil

Olive oil refers to a blend of both refined olive oil and virgin olive oil.  Producers of this caliber of oil will create their blend using more or less virgin oil to achieve various tastes at various price ranges.  In the U.S., olives oils labeled as “Light” or “Extra Light” fall in this bucket and are typically mixed with a large amount of refined oil.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Massive Olive Oil Producers Are Flooding the U.S. Market!

Have you ever strolled down the oil aisle at your local supermarket and wondered why there is such a large price disparity from one extra virgin olive oil to another?  You may have noticed that the more affordable imported extra virgin olive oils sold by Colavita, Bertolli, Filippo Berio, etc.  As a skeptic, I've always questioned things when they seem "too good to be true".  I'm a New Yorker and so this may be a big part of the reason why I think this way. 

Could an oil claiming to be "extra virgin" really be this cheap? 

After doing some research as well as producing my own oil in Greece, I've come to the conclusion that making and importing authentic and delicious olive oil is certainly very costly to do.  Unfortunately, there is no regulatory body in the United States that enforces standards when selling extra virgin olive oil to consumers.  This creates a breeding ground for fraudsters to take advantage of the U.S. market and in turn discourages authentic private label olive oil producers and worse yet, forces them out of business! 

As mentioned in a prior blog post I had written, roughly 75% of imported extra virgin olive oils failed to meet International Olive Council (IOC) and USDA standards tests!  This means that they failed at least one of the requirements that currently deem an olive oil "extra virgin" such as having defective flavors such as rancidity and mustiness or have been adulterated with cheaper and inferior oils or were produced from poor quality olives that may have been overripe, bruised, damaged and/or stored improperly. 

UC Davis and the Australian Oils Research Laboratory recently conducted a study on this very topic and found that "69% of imported olive oil samples and 10% of California olive oil samples labeled as extra virgin olive oil failed to meet the IOC/USDA sensory (organoleptic) standards for extra virgin olive oil." UC Davis Olive Center, July 2010 

Fortunately we can help put an end to this "legal" consumer fraud that is happening right under our noses every single day.  In order for us to make a difference and ensure that we are getting the best olive oil our Earth has to offer, please support the authentic family owned growers/producers!  By educating ourselves further and even paying just a little more we can be rest assured that what we are buying the real deal.

For more information on this topic, which in my opinion is unknown to many of us, I highly recommend you pick up "Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil" by Tom Mueller.  It's a very informative book (also an easy read) that sheds alot of  light on the olive oil industry and how it came to be over the years.


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Mediterranean Diet is the Heart Healthy Choice!

It is no surprise that olive oil is the base ingredient to most Mediterranean dishes.  The olive tree is native to the Mediterranean region and dates back to the beginning of civilization.  Olive trees are prevalent to the Mediterranean Basin due to its hot temperatures and dry soil type.  There are hundreds of varieties of olive trees grown all over the world, each with their own special characteristics.

If you enjoy olive oil, red wine, fresh fish and vegetables...then the Mediterranean diet is hands down the right choice for you!

It is a known fact that the Mediterranean diet lowers your overall risk of heart disease.  In fact, the FDA has issued a health claim for the consumption of olive oil.  See FDA's health claim by clicking here.

Below are some general guidelines to take into consideration when incorporating the Mediterranean diet into your life:

1) Consume plant based foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, etc. while limiting red meats and foods high in saturated fats.
2) Exercise regularly (4-5 times per week)
3) Substitute your animal fats (margarines and butters) with olive oil
4) Eat fish at least 1-2 times per week
5) Drink red wine, in moderation

The Mediterranean diet isn't so much about dieting and watching what you eat but rather choosing healthy fats.  Olive oil is the primary source of fat in this diet, particularly "extra virgin" olive oil which is loaded with polyphenols that have antioxidant properties, such as decreasing cancer and coronary heart disease mortality rates.  Refined oils have a low polyphenol content, common olive oil shows a medium content and virgin olive oil has the highest amount of polyphenols.  Theforefore it's highly recommended to use polyphenol-rich olive oil (extra virgin olive oil) as a main source of fat to achieve the greatest benefits against cardiovascular disease.

Live long, live healthy.  Enjoy.

Friday, February 24, 2012

What's a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) and why is it so important when choosing a quality olive oil?

You might have seen the letters "PDO" on certain food products such as olive oils, cheeses, meats, etc but may not have paid much attention to it.  PDO stands for Protected Designation of Origin and relates to foods that are grown and processed in the same geographic region using recognized know-how and therefore  acquire unique properties from that particular area of origin.  Products with a PDO classification are considered to be 100% authentic and producers can therefore demand more for their product. 

Next time you go shopping for an extra virgin olive oil, I strongly urge you to consider buying a PDO olive oil.  Although slightly more expensive than other choices on the market, you can be sure you are not purchasing an inferior product or anything less than what is on the label.  Trust me when I say you WILL taste the difference!

Roasted Shrimp, Orzo and Feta Salad

Check out this healthy and delicious shrimp, orzo and feta salad recipe I discovered online on my quest to find a good weekend snack that is refreshing yet healthy.  Please make sure to use only the best extra virgin olive oil of course! 

75% of Imported Extra Virgin Olive Oils Failed Standards Test!

Fact: "Nearly three-quarters of samples of top-selling imported extra virgin olive oil brands failed to meet international standards for extra virgin olive oil according to a new report by researchers at the University of California, Davis, and in Australia. The oils failed from one of the following reasons: Being oxidized, poor quality, and/or adulterated with cheaper refined oils."

Source: UC Davis Olive Center
Press Release, April 2011

Is your olive oil really "Extra Virgin"?

Throughout the last few years, I have became utterly obsessed with all the positives associated with extra virgin olive oil.  Now when most of you think about extra virgin olive oil, you are most likely referring to that store bought Bertolli or Colavita stuff that retails for $6-$10/bottle.  If this is the case then you have not tried a pure, high quality extra virgin olive oil and we surely aren't on the same page here. 

These widely known, mass produced store brands are almost always not what they claim to be on the bottle's label.  Unfortunately, the U.S. has standards but does not regulate the olive oil business and therefore allows consumers to be mislead by large olive oil corporations who, many times, claim their oil is of extra virgin quality and is labeled as "Italian olive oil" when in fact the oil has been blended with oil which has been imported to Italy from countries like Spain, Tunisia, France, etc.  Even worse, it may not even be from olives altogether!  Many mass producers will sometimes adulterate their olive oil with cheaper oils such as hazelnut, sunflower and cotton seed oil in order to increase their profits!  Please don't be fooled though!  Much of the extra virgin olive oil exported from Italy is surely not what it claims to be.

The way I look at it, this is "legal fraud" and we the consumers are getting fooled and ripped off by these large oil corporations.  Let's help put an end to this altogether before all the small quality producers are driven out of business due to the readily available and cheap inferior oils out there. 

I'd like to share an very interesting article written a few years back by Tom Mueller called Slippery Business that may shock you. Enjoy.